Before seeing the solution make sure that you tried enough. Don’t paste the whole code, just find out the logic. If you stuck in trouble, just inform me on comment.
/**Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.**/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { long long int decimal; char hexa[20]; scanf("%lld", &decimal); long long int i=0, mod, j, lnth; while(decimal>0) { mod = decimal % 16; decimal /= 16; if(mod<=9) hexa[i] = mod+48; else if(mod==10) hexa[i] = 'A'; else if(mod==11) hexa[i] = 'B'; else if(mod==12) hexa[i] = 'C'; else if(mod==13) hexa[i] = 'D'; else if(mod==14) hexa[i] = 'E'; else if(mod==15) hexa[i] = 'F'; i++; } hexa[i] = '\0'; lnth = strlen(hexa); for(j = lnth-1; j>=0; j--) printf("%c", hexa[j]); printf("\n"); return 0; }
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