Before seeing the solution make sure that you tried enough. Don’t paste the whole code, just find out the logic. If you stuck in trouble, just inform me on comment.
/**Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahimm**/ #include <stdio.h> int main() { long long int tst, i, j, b, dcml; char a[1000]; scanf("%lld", &tst); for(i=1; i<=tst; i++) { long long int mod_a=0, div_a=0; scanf("%s", a); scanf("%lld", &b); j=0; if(a[0]=='-') j=1; while(a[j]) { dcml = a[j] - 48; div_a+=dcml; mod_a = div_a%b; div_a= mod_a*10; j++; } if(mod_a==0) printf("Case %lld: divisible\n", i); else printf("Case %lld: not divisible\n", i); } return 0; }
ReplyDeleteI didn't understand the while loop
ReplyDeleteHere while(a[j]) means this while loop will continue until the string a[1000] finish.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain the algorithm?
ReplyDeleteCan you provide some resource about this logic.